Government-Backed Loans: What Buyers and Sellers...

When dealing with a government-backed buyer (FHA, VA, and RD), both the buyer and seller should be aware that the house will need to meet minimum...

Elf on the Shelf Overload: My Love-Hate Affair...

You see him sitting there on the store shelf. So cute with the red hat and the rosy red cheeks. But beware, that Elf on the Shelf is big trouble! All...

“Tinsel Treats & Trolleys” Brings...

"Tinsel Treats & Trolleys," Ada's annual December event, is sure to get you into the holiday spirit. We'll tell you everything you need to know...

Setting the Holiday Table with Toddlers in Tow

How to survive preparing the holiday feast with little kids — including decor, setting the table, and preparing the food while having a toddler...

Apple Picking, Corn Mazes, and Other...

I love a cool autumn day with the smell of hay in the air. You can find fun fall adventures for families all over the Grand Rapids area. This post...

Beer City USA: A Guide to the Grand Rapids Craft...

The craft beer industry in Grand Rapids has been growing leaps and bounds, and locals are proud of the great beer, festicals, and homebrewing...