6 Things You Need In Your Kitchen To Make Your...

Make life easier in the kitchen with these six affordable items.

Will the Apple iOS 7 Change How Your Home...

The mobile and tech world yesterday got to see exactly what Apple has up its sleeves with its new operating system for iPhone that will be released...

The Next TV in Your Home Will Not Be Smart But a...

Smart TVs have been talked about for years. Two years ago I was at the Consumer Electronics Show where it was the latest and greatest home...

How to Not Pay Twice for Live TV in Your Vacation...

Summer months are coming when you'll start planning those trips to maybe that vacation home by the beach or on the lake or just away from it all....

Redefining a Home Library

Plato's quote about a home with a library in it having a soul begs the question, are we on the verge of soulless homes? Think about it. In 10 years...

10 Video Game Homes We Wish We Could Live In

While video game consoles are changing the way we interact within our home, I would venture that we're not too far from seeing some of our future...