5 Tips to Master Video on Social Media

As a real estate professional, you can navigate a competitive housing market with shrewd proficiency. But how strategic are you when it comes to...

3 Reasons Why We Love the World Cup

We can't wait to see who will win this year's World Cup, but there are a few other reasons why we're excited about the 2014 installment of the...

6 Socially Inspired Additions to Your Home

Social networks have virtually taken over our lives. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have become as familiar as our family members. Sometimes even...

Getting More Social with the Facebook...

Here’s the understatement of the year (or perhaps of the last 4 to 5 years!?): Social Media has changed everything. Its changed the way we...

The New “Innovator”

Saw last week that Apple’s market cap topped Microsoft’s for the first time and became the #2 most valuable US public company behind...

World’s Bestest Cup of Coffee

Last week I railed against some of our competitors using unqualified claims in their marketing to consumers and other agents.  One such claim was...